Saturday, December 08, 2007

Control... the word of the day

So I'm back in the hospital again. I've decided the biggest problem I have with the hospital is control. I have no control really over when I go in. I guess I do in terms of doing my treatments to an extent, but as I get older I seem to get sicker in stranger ways. But I also seem to dislike the lack of control even more. I am reading this book on Google Books called The Psychology of Health it is really interesting, I particularly liked this statement, it definitely describes how I am feeling right about now with the hospital.

The book goes on to talk about the good patient/bad patient models. Anyway, control is a hard thing to lose. I find that I get that feeling a lot from CF. The key is to realize that some things will always be out of our control, and to do the best we can with the things that are within our realm. Dwelling on the other will only cause us to get more frustrated and more angry about the situation.
One way I deal with it is a little crazy, but in the hospital I'm a neat freak. My room is spotless. No garbage laying around, nothing looking out of place. It's one of the few things that I can control when I am there. This may seem crazy to you, but it keeps me sane when I am staring at the same 4 walls for 10-14 days...